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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School Part of The Stella Maris Catholic Federation


Autumn 1


Our topic for this term is the Anglo-Saxons! We will be learning lots of exciting things about our history and we will even be designing our own jewellery!


In science we will be investigating if Spiderman really could exist! Come back for more exciting posts throughout the term.

Medium Term Plan - Autumn 1

Autumn 2


Our topic for this term is Ancient Egypt! We will be learning lots of exciting things about the history of the pharaohs and pyramids, and we will even be creating our own Tutankhamun masks. 


In science we will be investigating what a journey through our bodies would look like! I'm sure we are going to become budding scientists!

Come back for more exciting posts throughout the term.

Medium Term Plan - Autumn 2

Spring 1

Our topic for this term is Brazil! We will be learning lots of exciting things about the beautiful city, including things like the geography, natural resources, and their bright and glorious Rio Carnival!


In science we will be investigating Earth and Space! During this half term we will be learning about the Earth, Sun and Moon, different planets, who Neil Armstrong was and investigating Space!

Interesting fact, this year marks 50 years since the first man on the moon!

Come back for more exciting posts throughout the term!

Medium Term Plan - Spring 1

Spring 2


Our Topic focus this half term is Rainforests! This links closely with our last topic of Brazil, and we will be learning lots of exciting new things! We also have an exciting visitor coming into school to transform our classroom into our own rainforest. 


Our Science topic this half term is Forces, so we will be conducting lots of investigations and experiments into how different forces affect different objects on Earth and in space! We even have a special homework as part of our project!

Medium Term Plan - Spring 2

Summer 1


Our topic this half term is historically based as we are learning all about World War II! We will be exploring how the war started, the leaders involved within the war and also the impact it had on Britain and neighbouring countries.


Our focus question for science this half term is 'Could you be the next CSI Investigator?'. There will be lots of practical work involved, testing different materials and experimenting with different CSI techniques.

Summer 1 Medium Term Plan
