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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School Part of The Stella Maris Catholic Federation

Curriculum RE

Please follow the link below to take you to our curriculum RE page.

To Know You More Clearly- RED Curriculum

Our whole school took part in the Big Lent Walk for CAFOD. Key Stage 2 went to Our Lady and St Michael's church. We spent a moment of quiet by the Grotto and talked about who and what we could see. Well done KS2!

Father Phillip joined us in year 4 to answer some questions we had about his role and the work he does in our parish. We have also been looking at funeral mass so he explained that to us in a very age appropriate manner. Thank you Fr. Phillip. ✨

Margaret Wright visited us again and we learnt all about the Holy Family. Each class had an activity to do and we all shared our efforts in an assembly at the end of the day. Margaret visited each class and shared a Godly Story with us all. Everyone loved her story telling and enjoyed having a visitor in class.

✝️ We were delighted to welcome Fr Christopher, Brother John Boscoe and Brother Jonathan to St Gregory’s School from the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. ✝️ They led an assembly for our KS2 children and visited children in KS1 in their classrooms. ✝️ They told us all about their lives and about St Francis. They also taught us a song which we loved joining in with! ✝️ Year 5 then went across to church for Mass. They were so respectful and prayerful during Mass and sang brilliantly. What a wonderful day we have had! 💙

💙 What a wonderful group of children we had at Mass! They sang beautifully! Unfortunately we didn’t get any photographs in church but here are a few snaps of everyone back in school enjoying some refreshments afterwards! 💙 Thank you so much to all of the children who joined us along with their families and thank you also to Mr Clarke for providing the music!

Our Year 6 children who recently received the Sacrament of Confirmation, spent a lovely day at Castlerigg!

Year 2 used role play to learn about Palm Sunday

In RE Year 1 looked at what happens at Holy Communion during Mass. We enjoyed some role play and acted out the different things that happen at church

We entered a competition at St. Michael's church and our work was displayed in church

Year 2 role playing Baptism

RE. The Bishop of Lancaster with Year 5

Still image for this video
Year 5 wrote to Bishop Paul Swarbrick, the Bishop of Lancaster, to ask if he could zoom call with them to discuss their RE topic ‘Mission’. They were all thrilled when Bishop Swarbrick agreed and they had a lovely long chat. Here is a very small part of their meeting with the Bishop talking about how we are all small droplets that can help make a better world. Thank you to Bishop Swarbrick for his time and advice.