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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School Part of The Stella Maris Catholic Federation


Information about our new English curriculum coming soon...


At St Gregory's, all children are exposed to high quality texts, which stimulate positive responses to reading, high quality writing, and purposeful opportunities for Speaking & Listening.


Our writing curriculum ensures that all children have many opportunities to write for different purposes. We encourage writing through all curriculum areas and use quality reading texts to model examples of good writing.


We also recognise that children need lots of rich speaking and drama activities, to support their imagination and give them experiences that will equip them to become good writers.

Grammar and Punctuation


Throughout school, grammar and punctuation is taught to match the writing purpose. This begins with teaching and consolidating basic sentence structures in Early years and Key Stage One.

In Key stage Two, children further develop their understanding of increasingly complex sentence structures, and using the relevant technical terms to be able to discuss and justify the choices they have made when structuring their ideas.



At St Gregory's, we have devised our own whole-school spelling scheme.


Children are taught spellings, which are and tested weekly throughout KS1 and KS2 and children's progress in spelling is tracked carefully as they move through school, so that any gaps in spelling can be identified and quickly addressed.


Children also regularly use dictionaries and thesaurus to check and improve their work. 
