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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School Part of The Stella Maris Catholic Federation

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2


Mr O' Connor

Mrs Cockton

Miss Shimmings 

PE Day

PE for this half term will remain on Friday's. Please can all children come to school wearing PE kit. This half term we will be covering invasion games in PE.



Homework will be set every Friday this half term and is not expected back in until the following Friday. Homework will include:

  • Maths 
  • Reading (Strive for 5)



This term we are covering the topic 'Muck, Mess and Mixtures'. Muck and mess are good during this topic and we will explore this through our science and topic lessons.


Phonics and reading

Our scheme that we follow in year one is called FFT 'Success for All Phonics'. We do daily phonics sessions and build on these skills within our reading and writing sessions.


All children in year one are to take part in the national phonics screening check. It is a short assessment and it tests them on their ability to read and decode a series of words. It allows us to see what progress is being made and if children are on track with their phonics skills, in order for them to be fluent readers.    


Children bring one book home weekly (Big Cat Phonics) to read daily with parents/carers. In class we do whole class shared reading using fully decodable texts in a wide range of genres. These books are linked to the progression of sounds in their daily phonics lessons.


We also do 'Strive for 5' where children are encouraged to read 5 times at home every week to achieve a certificate and a half termly reward.



Spelling is taught during our phonics and guided reading sessions. By the end of the year children are expected to read the Year Two common exception words.


Times Tables 

Times tables will be taught during maths lessons and use of Times Tables Rockstars. Children by the end of the year are expected to recite 2,5 and 10 times tables.
