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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School Part of The Stella Maris Catholic Federation

Attendance & Absence Procedures

School Absence Procedures.


Safeguarding your children is our number 1 priority at St. Gregory's.  This includes knowing where the children are if they are not in school and the reasons for this.  We have robust procedures in place to ensure we know why children are absent from school.


If your child is going to be absent from school, it is vital that you inform us, either through a message at the office or via telephone (01900 606050.) We have an answering machine which will allow you to leave messages outside of the school day.


Once we are aware that a child is absent from school, we will follow a protocol which involves texting and phoning parents or carers and the emergency contact we have on file. The final steps we will take, on the first day of the absence, is to do a home visit and if necessary ask the Police to call to the house. All of this will happen before the end of the school day.


Where regular absence is an issue, we have a range of procedures in place, including meetings in school, meeting with representatives from the Local Authority and ultimately taking the child's parents/carers to court.  Every day really does matter when it comes to education, and absence can significantly impact on your child's learning and future.

First Day Calling Procedure

Attendance Matters Poster
