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St Gregory's Catholic Primary School Part of The Stella Maris Catholic Federation

Phonics and Reading

Phonics and Early Reading


At St Gregory's, we implement a synthetic phonics approach, using the 'Success For All' Phonics Programme, created by the Fischer Family Trust.

'Success For All' Phonics:


  • SFA Phonics is a programme for teaching reading, writing, speaking and listening, from Nursery onwards. It initially lays strong foundations in both oracy and literacy, starting with Nursery and Reception pupils and moving on to provide systematic teaching throughout the primary years and especially in Year 1, and into Year 2. Children work through the phonics phases systematically, from their entry to school.


  • The SFA Phonics Programme is produced by the Fischer Family Trust and is  based on research, which has been proven to raise standards in reading and writing.


  • SFA provides a wide range of opportunities for children to explore and develop phonic knowledge and comprehension strategies, develop vocabulary and spelling, improve grammatical awareness, analyse whole texts and develop writing in a wide range of genres.


  • Typically, children will begin Phase 1 in Nursery and complete Phase 6 in Year 2. However, all children are different and not all children progress at the same rate through the phonics phases. We rigorously track children's progress in phonics, to ensure that all children make progress in reading and writing. We arrange early interventions for any children who need extra support in phonics.


  • High quality daily phonics lessons in Early Years, through into Key Stage One and early Key Stage 2 are the fundamental basis for learning to read and write in a structured and systematic way. 


If you have any questions about phonics and early reading, your child's class teacher would be your first point of contact for advice. However, if you would like to discuss any aspect  in more detail, the subject leader is Mrs McAllister, who would be pleased to help.

The SfA scheme includes printed and online resources to cover:


  • Early Years: 'First steps to Phonics' 
  • Reception & Year 1: Phonics Programme 
  • Year 2: 'Routes to Reading' and 'Spelling with the Jungle Club'
  • Decodable Reading Books
  • 'Reading Assessment Programme' aligned to the scheme
  • Parents' Portal


Please click on the icons below for more information on Phonics & Early Reading at St Gregory's:
