Our class teacher is Mrs Payton.
Our teaching assistants are Mrs Carruthers and Miss Mitchell.
PE days for Year 3 are Monday and Friday. Children should come to school dressed in their school PE uniform. Please ensure jewellery is removed for PE sessions.
In KS2, we use Accelerated Reader as our reading scheme. Pupils will complete a STAR reading test in school which will give them a reading range. Pupils can choose their own reading books from within their range and should aim to read for a minimum of 20 minutes each day. Once they have completed their book, they will take a quiz in school before choosing their next book.
We use Superhero Spelling as our spelling scheme for KS2. Children will learn a spelling pattern or rule each week and will bring home 10 spellings to learn. These spellings will also be shared with parents each week.
Times tables should be practised each week on TTRockstars.
If you have any worries or concerns about your child then please don't hesitate to contact us via ClassDojo or ask to speak to an adult on the door in the morning/afternoon at drop off or pick up time.
Year 3 are proud to support Team Evie as our class charity.
Team Evie is a charity based in West Cumbria which was set up to help sick children and their families all in the name of baby Evie, who sadly spent the majority of her short life in hospital.
Their aim is to help sick children and their families who face similar circumstances and challenges to those faced by Evie and her family.
We work so hard in Year 3 to develop our skills of collaboration, perseverance and resilience. We help each other, share ideas and listen carefully. We explain our reasoning confidently knowing that it is ok to make mistakes.