Home Page

St Gregory's Catholic Primary School Part of The Stella Maris Catholic Federation

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Here you will find all the key information you will need for this term.


To find photos of what we get up to in Year 4, please check our Facebook page!


All information/ updates will be communicated via Class Dojo.


Our Year 4 Team:

Miss Dunn - Class Teacher

Mrs Cockton - Teaching Assistant

P.E Days

P.E. Days for Autumn Term will be communicated via Class Dojo. 

Our Curriculum

In History in Autumn 1, we will be learning all about invasion! We will start with the Romanisation of Britain and then learn about all events that followed, until the Battle of Hastings in 1066. 

Our Science topic for Autumn Term is 'Living Things'. We will be looking at ways to classify and group a set of objects, animals and plants. We will also focus on food chains and how animals within these food chains can be grouped and classified. 

Our Class Saint

In Year 4, our class saint is St Patrick.

Saint Patrick was a fifth-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. He is known as the "Apostle of Ireland".

In our class, we have been learning all about the key events in the life of St Patrick.


Each week we expect the children to complete ALL homework tasks. This includes: 

  • 20 minutes of reading every day
  • 10 minutes daily on TT Rockstars. 
  • Spelling task. 