At St Gregory's, we aim to spark curiosity in our children's minds through our Science curriculum. In our science lessons, we provide children with opportunities to explore and investigate scientific concepts through memorable experiences to ensure that 'sticky knowledge' stays with them throughout their journey through school. This enables prior knowledge to be built upon by our children, so that they make good progress.
We aim for children to...
(National Curriculum, 2014)
At St Gregory's, we use Cornerstones, alongside statutory guidance from the National Curriculum, 2014, to inform our planning. We take key themes and ideas from this platform and adapt these to suit the needs of our children. Science is taught in planned topic blocks to allow progression to be made throughout the school year and across the year groups. Teachers use scientific equipment in lessons and ensure that the children are aware of how to use this equipment and given opportunities to use this equipment for themselves by working scientifically. Working scientifically skills are embedded into the experiences we offer to our children through our curriculum.
Children at St Gregory's benefit from fun, engaging science lessons that provides them with the foundations of understanding the world and inspires them to take up a role in the STEM industry as a career.
Pupil voice will be used as a means of assessing the effectiveness of our approach to teaching science.
Children will be assessed by answering a 'big question' to demonstrate what they know about each topic they have studied. Teachers mark this assessment in line with the school's marking and feedback policy.