School milk at mid-morning break is an important part of a child’s diet. Milk provides a number of health benefits and social opportunities that ensure children get the most out of their school day.
As part of the School Food Plan, all maintained primary, infant, junior and secondary schools are now legally required to make milk available for drinking during school hours. Free school milk is available for under-fives as well.
St Gregory's works in partnership with Cool Milk to provide milk to our children.
School milk is free for all children in Nursery, Reception class and any child who is eligible to receive income based free school meals. Milk is subsidised for pupils in Year 1 to 6, currently 23p per carton.
Each pupil that registers with Cool Milk will receive a 189ml carton of semi-skimmed milk every day, which is delivered fresh and chilled to the classroom. Their school milk will not only provide them with essential nutrients, but as it is rehydrating and energy boosting it also bridges the gap between breakfast and lunch to help children stay focused.
To find out more about the about the Coolmilk scheme please visit
Nursery & Reception Pupils
If your child is in Nursery or Reception class you do not need to take any further action. The school office will register your child. Free milk will continue whilst your child is in Nursery and Reception class.
Year 1 to Year 6
Simply register at as soon as possible. Shortly after registering you will receive a payment request. You can pay Cool Milk either online, over the phone, at a local PayPoint or by cheque in half-termly, termly or annual instalments. Payment must be made directly to Cool Milk. Please pay by Tuesday 12 noon for your child’s milk to start the following week.
Benefits related FSM
If your child is eligible to receive benefits related free school meals (not universal infant school meals) and you would like your child to receive daily milk, please contact the school office who will register your child onto Coolmilk Scheme. If your child's entitlement to benefits related free school meal ceases, then they will no longer be eligible to receive free milk. In this instance, if you would still like your child to receive their daily milk you will need to register and pay for their milk online
If you have any questions regarding school milk please visit or contact Cool Milk directly